5 Classes, 3 Locations in Jacksonville and St. Augustine
Tuesday Evenings 6:30- 7:45pm
5A Sanchez Ave
St. Augustine, FL 32084
Register for single class at St Augustine Birth Collective
Purchase 4 classes at a discounted rate
Wednesday Evenings 7:30- 8:45pm
276 Paseo Reyes Dr
St. Augustine, FL 32095
Register for single class at Palencia
Purchase 4 classes at a discounted rate
Thursday Evenings 7:00- 8:15pm
14215 Spartina Court, Suite 300
Jacksonville, FL 32224
Register for single class in Jacksonville
Purchase 4 classes at a discounted rate
Saturday Mornings 9:30- 10:45am
14215 Spartina Court, Suite 300
Jacksonville, FL 32224
Register for single class in Jacksonville
Purchase 4 classes at a discounted rate
To Register for class or Questions Text Kiana at 904-568-5564
If your prefer to pay via Zelle or Venmo you can send payment to kianaasherah@gmail.com
$25/ Class or $92 for 4 Classes
This class will benefit you and your baby on every level
During the nine months of pregnancy your body experiences profound emotional, physical and spiritual changes that prepare you to welcome your precious baby to this world.
Building your strength and endurance, while getting good spinal and hip alignment for labor, reducing everyday pain and discomfort, easier postpartum recovery and a healthier mom and baby.
Learn how to use your breath to reduce stress, increase pain tolerance and prevent your body from going into flight, fight or freeze during labor and birth. And hopefully have some fun and feel joyful as you deeply connect to your sacred body and baby while embodying the changes.
- Improved placental function so more oxygen and nutrients get to the baby
- Reduces inflammation and swelling
- Reduces stress, improves mood and provides technique to use at home, during birth and for years to come
- Improves balance
- Reduces common pregnancy complaints such as low back pain, leg and pelvic discomfort and other musculoskeletal complaints
- Improves strength, endurance and maintains muscle tone
- Improves postpartum recovery
- Helps with appropriate weight gain
- Lowers risk of gestational diabetes
- Lowers risk of preeclampsia
- Improves outcomes for labor and delivery; decrease need for interventions
- Improve pelvic floor recovery
- Decrease risk for premature labor