Join Doula Kiana, Holistic Health Coach, for a 90 minute workshop at Chanatry Chiropractic, Jacksonville, FL  Thursday, January 23, 2025 6:30- 8:00pm.


Replenish important nutrients that are often depleted during pregnancy


Improve mental clarity, energy levels, and restful sleep


Regulate hormones to maintain healthy body weight & restore your pelvic floor


Detox from medications, contraceptives & antibiotics and energetically clear birth trauma, fear and your womb space

Register for $28
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Nutrition Coaching and Education 

Hello, I am Kiana and I am a Holistic Health & Nutrition Coach. I studied at the world's only plant-based nutrition school, Health Mastery Institute, which is based on over 50 years of scientific research. You do not need to be plant based to work with me. I meet clients wherever they are on their health journey. 

I work with clients to form a lifestyle change based on their goals. Too often I see people struggling with not knowing how to properly nourish their body for optimal health. This was me for many years. I played around with different diets, eating plans from Vegan, to Paleo, to Keto and many others but never finding the energy and easily maintaining my optimal body weight until I discovered Health Mastery Institute. Health Mastery Institute finally provided me with all of the answers I was looking for over 25 years and my health is currently the best it has ever been. I want everyone to find this place of ease with their diet to reach whatever your goals are. 

We provide health and nutritional support in the following areas:

- Conception 

- Women’s Hormone Health 

- Nutrition during Pregnancy 

- Fatigue and Energy Levels

- Achieving Optimal Health and Body Weight 

- Supplementation

Purchase 3 Sessions for only $425

  • Sessions 1 and 2 are each around 45-60 minutes in length (must be used within 2 months) 
  • Session 3 is a 30 Minute Check In (1 month after Session 2 to make adjustments as needed). 
  • These one on one offerings are done over the phone.

Additional Follow Up Consultations $90/ 30 minutes 

You will be required to fill out a health questionnaire from which I will create a plan based on your health needs and specific goals. 


Additional Offerings

Supplement Review:

$120 for 45 minutes

This is for anyone interested in reviewing your current supplement regime or needing supplement guidance. Supplements can be overwhelming and confusing on knowing what to take when and how much. I am not associated with any one supplement company. I will provide links to high quality supplement brands.


Prepare Your Body For Conception:

4 Week Online Course $369

Participate on your own or in a group setting to prepare your body for conception physically, emotionally and spiritually.

This course covers: 

- The Liver and Detoxing 

- Supplements, Nutrition and Superfoods 

- Clearing and Protecting Your Energy Space 

- Bringing the Hormones Back Into Balance 

- The Womb 

- Physical Activity & Grief


Plant Based Nutrition through Pregnancy-

Online Recorded Class $69

(Access available anytime) 

There is no stage of life where nutrition is more crucial than during fetal development and infancy. 

A balanced and nourishing diet throughout pregnancy is going to provide the nutrients for fetal growth and development without depriving the mom of the nutrients she needs to maintain her own health. 

This class is broken up into two parts of just under an hour each. You can refer back and re-listen to the class as often as you wish. Once you purchase it, you will have continued access to it.


Fundamentals for Pregnancy: $120 for 45 minutes

There is no stage of life where nutrition is more crucial than during fetal development and infancy. The nutrition that you are able to provide during fetal development is going to have an effect on your child as they grow into adolescence and adulthood.

A balanced and nourishing diet, along with some supplementation throughout pregnancy will provide the necessary nutrients for fetal growth and development without depriving the mom of the nutrients you need to maintain your own health. Your baby will first take whatever nutrients he/she needs, leaving you with whatever is left so it is best to not start your pregnancy already depleted of key nutrients.

Chat with me over the phone to discuss some critical information that every pregnant woman should know.  This is not an individual program but basic pregnancy guidelines.

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