Contemporary women in our culture hold an unprecedented fear of giving birth, to often associating it with excruciating pain, thereby causing their bodies to become unable to perform what should be a normal physiological function. HypnoBirthing® is a unique method of giving birth enhanced by meditation, deepening, visualization, relaxation and breathing techniques that allows a woman to use their natural abilities to bring about safer, easier, and more comfortable birthing. ( can also be used with an epidural).
HypnoBirthing® techniques teach woman how to release all negative thoughts about birth to free themselves of limiting thoughts and emotions that lead to pain-causing fear and resistant muscles. When giving birth with HypnoBirthing®, a mother is in a state of deep relaxation—awake, aware, and fully in control.
Have The Birth Experience You Desire
Introduction to the remarkable HypnoBirthing® philosophy
The History of Women and Birthing
Why and how you can have an easier, more comfortable, and safer birthing
How Nature perfectly designed women’s bodies to birth
How to assist, rather than resist, your natural birthing instincts
The vocabulary for calm and gentle birthing.
Visualizing gentle births by viewing beautiful birthing videos
The remarkable mind of your newborn baby—Prenatal bonding techniques
Rapid and instant self-relaxation techniques and deepening techniques
Breathing techniques for labor and birthing
Meditative relaxation and visualization
Selecting the right care provider
The Birth companion’s role in birthing
Preparing your body for birthing with
nutrition massage and toning and more.
Preparing Birth Preferences (birth plan)
Preparing the Body for Birthing
Light Touch Labor Massage
Your body working for and with you
Avoiding artificial induction and achieving a natural start to labor and birthing
Releasing negative emotions, fears and limiting thoughts.
Onset of Labor – Thinning and Opening Phase
Birth explained simply
Settling in at the hospital or birthing center
Preparing for home birth
As labor moves along – passing time through labor
Hallmarks of labor
If labor rests or slows
Companion’s prompts
As labor advances – birthing with your baby
Protecting the natural birthing experience
Birth rehearsal imagery
Moving into birthing
Positions for baby's descent and birthing
Breathing baby down to birth
Baby moves to the breast
Family bonding with your baby
Childbirth classes.
*Please click here to sign up for all group locations*
Full Circle Women's Care
6600 Charing St.
Jacksonville, FL
Tuesdays at 6:00 - 9:00 PM
3/4 - 3/25
4/8 - 4/29
5/6 - 6/3 ( no class Memorial day week)
9/9 - 9/30
October/ November
10/21 - 11/11
Revolution Chiropractic Care
14866 Old St Augustine Rd. Unit 103
Jacksonville, FL
Fridays at 6:00 PM
3/7 - 3/28
4/4 - 4/25
9/5 - 9/26
10/3 - 10/24
Alterman & Johnson Family Chiropractors
423 3rd. Street
Jacksonville Beach, FL
Wednesday at 6:15 PM
3/5 - 3/26
5/7 - 5/28
9/3 - 9/24
October / November
10/22 - 11/12
276 Paseo Reyes Dr.
Palencia (St. Augustine, FL)
Thursdays at 6:00 PM
3/6 - 3/27
5/8 - 5/29
September / October
9/18 - 10/9
Align Chiropractic
1555 Kingsley Avenue Suite 406
Orange Park, FL
Mondays at 6:00 PM
3/10 -3/31
May / June
5/12 - 6/9 ( no class 5/26 Memorial Day)
9/8 - 9/29
October TBD
Compass Chiropractic
4425 US 1 #109
St. Augustine, FL
Thursday at 6:15 PM
2025 TBD
Read what our satisfied clients are saying about Doula Vonda
"We loved Vonda's hypnobirthing course! By the time I was in labor I felt calm and at peace about whatever path my baby's delivery took. I also felt informed and empowered and at ease. I can't recommend this course enough!"
Angela Mann
"Doula Vonda was the best choice we made when it came to our birthing preferences. Her hypnobirthing classes were informative and I felt very prepared when it came time to give birth..."
Melissa Phillips
"After completing Vonda's Hypnobirthing classes, I feel well equipped and ready to have a calm, natural birth experience. Learning the breathing techniques and visualizations has helped me to have a calm pregnancy as well. Thank you so much!"
Jamie Lee
"My husband and I took private hypnobirthing classes with Doula Vonda in our home and it was a wonderful experience. Vonda is well informed, warm and made us feel empowered and calm about hypnobirthing and natural birth. We can’t recommend her enough."
Ashley Mead