I did it!!! I had my VBAC baby! A little early at 35w6d but we have been so blessed with a healthy baby & no NICU time.
At 35w5d I was noticing that I was having *what I thought* were some crampy Braxton Hicks or possible Prodromal labor. I texted Doula Vonda who was helping me monitor them as well as they didn’t seem like the real thing. Very inconsistent and non-painful. They’d slow down at times too. That started early morning around 230/330am on 7/23. Exactly 24 hours later at 330am on 7/24, I texted Doula Vonda again asking if it was normal that they were still going on bc I had noticed they were picking up in frequency, still no pain (2/10 feeling) but I couldn’t sleep bc they were close together. I ended up timing & they were around 4-5 mins apart for a few hours. We decided it was best that I go into L&D to be checked out.
Once I got there, to my surprise, I was already 6-7.5cm 90% effaced!!! Then was told that we would be having a baby today. Wow! Also worth noting, I was strongly practicing HypnoBirthing my entire pregnancy which I believe helped with the sensations (taught by Vonda). I also had just switched drs at 34 weeks and was set to see the new dr that coming Monday (7/26). Well since I wasn’t established yet, that Dr wouldn’t see me so I was treated as a walk-in. The demeanor changed from all nurses being super supportive of VBAC to a couple being unsupportive, asking if I’d be doing an RCS and having negative energy. We stood our ground. No way. Why would I if I showed up to the hospital this progressed with no issues? Vonda, my husband & I all advocated for me & this VBAC. Anyways the dr on call was so sweet. She knew I wanted a natural birth & paired me with a midwife to do my delivery with her on standby if needed.
Labor was great. Baby handled all surges (contractions) like a boss the entire time! I contribute to being able to stay so calm. I was also managing so well. Smiling & relaxing through almost everything. Before too long I was 10cm and 100% effaced. I couldn’t believe how great I felt through all of this. Well, the baby was still at -1 station so we needed her to get lower before pushing. I wanted to labor down, no coached pushing. My waters still had not broken & after about an hour or so of trying to get the baby down with no success we decided getting my water broken was the way to go. Before this, we tried it all! Vonda had me through multiple circuits, we used essential oils but decided it was time for my water to break to help progress things along. Once we did, things ramped up within the hour. So intense. Still wouldn’t consider it painful. Just super uncomfortable. Well, I had a super amazing midwife who just stood & watched the whole thing. Let our doula & my husband work with me. I don’t think I would’ve gotten the support or *as much* if it weren’t for the professional presence of Vonda. I pushed for 1.5 hours. Tried so many positions. Being on my back was the most productive at the end. I breathed the baby down (not pushed) & relaxed between surges (even when baby was beginning to crown). I knew I could’ve forced pushed her out earlier but that would not be helping my body. Well, thank goodness I did. She was born & I had NO repairs or tears. I let my body stretch on its own & take its time with my HypnoBirthing techniques. The baby was born at 7:28 pm. My labor took its time, we all thought she would be here sooner but we let my body do its work and that’s how my body needed to do it.
Recovery has been great! My pain level is a 0 and had been even directly after birth! Night & day between my c-section. I highly recommend prepping your body in all of the ways you can. Unmedicated is definitely possible! I got everything & more that I wanted in this birth and I really don’t think I would’ve been able to do it without Vonda, her expertise, and the support and work of my husband.
What I love most about this birth is that I was able to stay calm & focused the entire time even though there were plenty of times I could’ve lost it. I was prepared for multiple outcomes & ultimately received the best outcome, almost perfectly according to planned!
I know that if we ever decide to have another baby in the future that it will not be without Doula Vonda or HypnoBirthing. I will forever cherish this experience as my single-handed greatest achievement. I will never forget this day.