My husband Robert and I knew that we wanted to attempt a natural childbirth. In preparation, we took the Hypno Birthing® class. We learned so much in this class and while we felt ready for a natural birth , we were also aware of the potential obstacles that might stand in the way of delivering naturally in a hospital. For this reason, we decided to hire a doula.
When we met Vonda, we immediately felt a connection with her and asked her to be a part of our birth. Vonda met with us a handful of times before the birth. Not only did she come out to our home, but she also attended several of our doctor appointments, which we especially appreciated. If we ever had doubts about something one of the doctors told us, we could go to Vonda for an honest and trusted opinion. Because of the relationship we established with her, in so many ways I felt more comfortable and trusted her more than the group of doctors I was seeing. We could rest assured that she truly had our best interests at heart.
I labored at home for 14 hours with my wonderful husband and Mom by my side. When my contractions got closer together, Vonda came over to help guide us and then accompanied us to the hospital. Later, I remember my Mom telling me how she felt an immediate sense of relief as soon as Vonda entered the room. I felt the same. Vonda’s calm nature was essential in getting us through labor.
Once at the hospital, Vonda gently made sure that the nurses were aware of our birth preferences. She and my husband were an amazing team during labor- each taking turns feeding me ice chips, massaging my back and keeping a cold cloth on my forehead. Vonda reminded me of my HypnoBirthing® training and kept the room feeling so calm and stress-free. At one point right before delivery I asked her if she wouldn’t mind taking a few photos and/or video with my phone. What a treat to go through my phone later and find all of these images that she had captured!
At 7:22 pm that evening, we gave birth to a healthy and beautiful baby boy. Vonda stayed a good while after the birth to help me breastfeed and to make sure that I felt comfortable with everything. Robert and I feel so grateful that she was a part of our birth. Her constant encouragement, advice and calm nature were invaluable during this special time in our lives.
-Katie Maines